Socrates in the ancient period saw happiness as the offshoot of virtue. To him happiness is an inescapable desire in man. To Augustine in the medieval period, perfect happiness and no transitory and imperfect happiness will satisfy man’s natural yearning. God alone can satisfy this natural desire. In other words, the life of man on earth must have a purpose. In order to grasp this end of human life on earth, an intensive study was necessary. The purpose of this study is aimed at redirecting our minds towards the proper appreciation of happiness. Using the library/critical analysis technique, this study sought to appraise the concept of happiness in the light of st. Augustine. St. Augustine argued and advocated that “Happiness” is the purpose of human life and actions. Augustine, a philosopher, was influenced by theology and scripture. Most of his issues were seen in the light of God. He saw God as the source and the summit of our happiness. This appraisal revealed that Augustine did not totally deny the possibility of experiencing an atom of happiness in this world. Rather, the joy one gets by being contented can still be considered as happiness. This study concluded on Augustine’s postulation which was concerned with the perfect one of which nothing else could be desired. This is found in no other being than God.
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